Total is committed to local economic development in France and abroad. In order to contribute to the development of French SMEs, TOTAL has launched the “Total Pool PME” in 2019. HELIATEC was one of the lucky winners!
In France or abroad, on its industrial or commercial sites, TOTAL works with numerous SMEs.
The support mechanisms put in place, in particular via Total Développement Régional and the participation of TOTAL Group representatives in numerous professional meetings in France, make it possible to identify each year new SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) or start-ups likely to contribute to its activities. The growth of these small companies is an important issue for TOTAL.
Among those working for Total, some have a strong potential for development.
In order to support them in their growth, Total Global Procurement (the entity in charge of our Group’s purchases) and Total Développement Régional are launching the “Total Pool PME”, a programme designed to assist 10 SMEs in their development each year.
For one year, these 10 companies benefited from :
- international support via the mechanism proposed by Total Développement Régional (participation in business missions abroad; hosting of VIEs and employees in the group’s subsidiaries)
- contacts with other major groups (invitation to Total’s Supplier Say, presentation to our strategic suppliers, sponsorship with other major accounts),
- support for managers (meetings with Total experts in the fields of law, management and strategy, as well as access to certain internal training courses).
The support of the session continues indirectly because all the purchasing departments of TOTAL France and International remain attentive to the Laureates, which means that a fine continuity of partnership will continue with the Group which is strongly committed to the energy transition.